In the 1950’s Fairfield was a booming new housing area of Hamilton City. Large numbers of young families were settling into new State and private homes, schools were built, and a sense of community was beginning to grow. Into this picture came the good will and concern of the people of St Andrews Presbyterian Church, River Road. To help serve this community of Fairfield, and to provide a Christian presence and witness, an enthusiastic group of people established a new church fellowship. It met at first in a large home in Clarkin Road, holding the first Sunday Service in July 1954.
By November 1958 this fellowship had grown, become independent of St Andrews, and became known as Fairfield Presbyterian Church with its own minister joining the fellowship that year. Soon after, in 1961, a new Church Centre was built on the corner of Insoll Ave and Peachgrove Road. Over the years there have been several additions to the building complex. From its earliest years some very special qualities have characterised the people of Fairfield:
And there has been a lot of fun! |
In 1977 a major change took place in the joining of two much older rural churches to Fairfield: Horsham Downs Community Church, and Gordonton Presbyterian Church. Initially both of these fellowships had close links with Fairfield, but over time full Sunday and weekly ministries were developed in each place. Eventually, in 2000, Horsham Downs Community Church became independent of the Parish. Gordonton remains linked with us but oversees and exercises a ministry unique to its own needs and vision.
The diversity of our life further expanded in 1986 with the arrival of our first Cambodian family from a Refugee Camp in Thailand. Mich and Yorng Dul became Pastors of our Cambodian Fellowship and many other immigrants and later their relatives arriving in Hamilton City have found Christian encouragement and re-settlement help through this ministry. From the beginning there has been a concern for needy families in the community. In 1991 Desert Spring Ministries Trust was established to facilitate the best possible service for families in need. In May 2001 the Community Centre on Peachgrove Rd was opened that has formed home base for this developing ministry. Our links with the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand continue, and Fairfield Presbyterian Parish remains the technical name that embraces both Discovery Christian Centre and Oaks Christian Centre. |